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Gara-gara Ojo Mudik Ini Yang Terjadi

Ketika musim liburan tiba, entah itu long weekend, libur hari raya seperti Imlek, Natalan, Nyepi atau saat Hari Raya Lebaran biasanya di situasi normal lama banyak para perantau yang mudik atau pulang kampung (tolong jangan diperdebatkan lagi). Selain silahturahmi dan bertegur sapa dengan handai taulan (sudah lama orang yang nggak nyebut kata jadul ini) atau berjumpa sahabat sekolah, maka obat rindu yang harus segera didapat adalah makanan favorit masa kecil. Entah itu masakan ibu, nenek, warung dekat rumah atau rumah makan legendaris (paling tidak menurut kita lah). Sejak berangkat kenangan itu sudah membuat ngiler karena mengingat beberapa makanan khas kampung halaman yang ada di rumah juga yang ada di warung, rumah makan atau restaurant di kota kelahiran (kalau nggak lahir di dusun tentu saja). Jika semua urusan sosial dan adat serta keagamaan selesai, maka pasti yang dilakukan adalah food tour atau wisata kuliner.   Ketupat Khas Blitar yang top markotop (dok. Rudi S. K

Ayo coba resep Es Kopi Dalgona Sambil Stay at Home

Anda lagi haus dan kangen pada situasi dunia kerja, mall atau asyiknya naik MRT dan bertemu para sahabat atau kerabat di warung kopi?   Mungkin anda sudah merindukan reuni dan arisan heboh, yang jarang anda abaikan di kondisi normal atau begitu kangennya anda untuk ngopi bersama keluarga, para sahabat, kekasih, relasi bisnis atau reuni kecil yang heboh.  Ya itu adalah perasaan normal, mungkin kadang kala anda merasa resah dan gelisah, padahal tidak ada semut rang rang eh semut merah yang melintas di tembok rumah anda.   Rindu ngopi ke cafe? ( Setelah tahun baru 2020 berlalu datanglah Covid-19 sehingga suasana dunia menjadi berbeda dibandingkan dengan tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Setelah PSBB atau PSBB Transisi berlaku di beberapa daerah di Indonesia gara-gara si Covid-19 alias Corona virus itu, akhirnya harus working from home atau stay at home. Mungkin ada yang merasa jenuh karena kebiasaan lama seperti nongkrong di mall, apalagi di café favorit tak

Antara Jokowi, Najwa Shihab, Rudi S Kamri & Warga Soal Mudik & Pulang Kampung

Di era demokrasi yang bebas ini, apalagi diperheboh oleh gemparnya media sosial pada isu lokal, nasional maupun internasional, maka hal-hal sederhana pun bisa jadi bahan omongan. Entah itu didebatkan secara intelek, bercanda, ngeledek atau tujuan lainnya - bisa politik, ekonomi, sosial budaya maupun kemanusiaan.  Gara-gara virus Corona atau Covid-19 yang menggemparkan dunia, begitu juga di Indonesia. Virus ini memang kejam, sehingga membuat warga dunia resah dan gelisah. Ketika ribut soal lock down atau tentang dampak lain dari virus berbahaya ini, ternyata juga bisa mengundang perdebatan soal perbedaan antara mudik dan pulang kampung.  Heboh Mudik VS Pulang Kampung ( Hal ini terjadi setelah Presiden Joko Widodo akhirnya melarang warga perantau untuk mudik lebaran. Pada acara Mata Najwa yang dipandu Najwa Shihab yang terkenal kritis ini, masalah ini pun menjadi bahan perbincangan secara real time di media sosial. Muncul pula meme, lelucon dan ledekan tentan

A blessing in disguise behind the Covid-19 according to Rudi S. Kamri

Covid-19 or Coronavirus is a global pandemic that has become an invisible enemy. More than 200 large and small countries have been attacked by this deadly virus, including Indonesia. However, Rudi S. Kamri, a well-known social and political observer in Indonesia, who is also an activist and actively writes on social media, has an amazing perspective on Covid-19. On this occasion you can read this interesting article in full, so we'll get a different experience, which may be unique.  The uniqueness of this article is caused by the cultural background of Rudi who really loves Indonesia. When Rudi S. Kamri (left) meets Mr. Joko Widodo (Jokowi), President of the Republic of Indonesia at the Presidential Palace (doc: Rudi) Optimism and Wisdom Due to Coronavirus By: Rudi S Kamri What lessons can we learn from the disaster of Covid-19, which has killed over two million people and hundreds of thousands of people died? Some say that disasters remain disaste

Tips for staying fit and healthy during social distancing

Most nations and countries this year are facing a global outbreak, caused by Covid-19 or the Coronavirus. The presidents or prime ministers have even established lockdown or regional quarantine, as well as civil emergency status. This is not an easy decision. This was decided because it was solely done to prevent the spread of the deadly virus.  In addition to doctors, nurses, police, military personnel, and volunteers who are members of the task force in overcoming this coronavirus, we are required to stay at home. We also have to adjust the work situation with the atmosphere of the house or apartment. Students also must learn independently from home, without face to face with their teachers as they enjoyed in the previous days. Changing or adjusting the atmosphere to new conditions is not easy, but you will soon enjoy it with your family. Perhaps the following tips you can rely on so that you stay productive, creative, fun, and of course make you healthier and happier, in y

Tips to prevent transmission of the MERS & Corona virus

Warning.  Do you already know the MERS virus that has caused many deaths in Saudi Arabia ? Since the year 2012 the Middle East Coronavirus Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) has plagued the plains of Saudi Arabia, killing 102 people, including foreigners such as  Egyptian and Indonesian, even an American citizen had been killed by the deadly MERS virus . There are a variety of ways taken to curb the spread of this virus, one of them with prevention. Although no travel warnings from your country or from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, you should postpone your trip to Saudi Arabia, though you will worship in the holy land of Mecca.   MERS virus.  Image: It has been reported that this virus was first transmitted in Arabia by camel to man, so that most casualties were in Arabia and spread to neighboring Arab countries, such as Egypt, Kuwait, and even Europe. The main symptom of the virus is the flu, fever, and a cough that is almost similar to the SAR,


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