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Ayo Try Resep Ayam Betutu Ala Bali from Island of Love

Masih stay at home dan belum bosan WFH atau working from home kan? Nah, supaya nggak bosan alias bete gara-gara jempol pegel main game candy crush atau membaca lelucon dan video yang dikirim group WhatsUp kita, bahkan begitu hebohnya kembali ke facebook, nah kita bisa isi waktu dengan mencoba resep Ayam Betutu.   Mungkin ada yang sudah pernah menikmati masakan khas Bali yang lekker ini ketika Holidayin Bali Bersama keluarga, teman arisan atau pas lagi honeymoon eh nyasar ke Gilimanuk atau di Denpasar, dan ketemu warung yang menyajikan Ayam Betutu ini.   Ayam Betutu kreasi baru ( Sebelum memulai, penting juga diketahui, bahwa ada beberapa variasi untuk memasak kuliner yang berasal dari Pulau Dewata ini. Pada umumnya Ayam Betutu dimasak secara utuh dan dikukus dengan daun pisang. Selain ayam, ibu-ibu di Bali juga memasak Betutu dengan bebek, namun waktu yang dibutuhkan lebih lama daripada menggunakan ayam kampung. Patut dicatat, Bebek Betutu memiliki cita r

Body Combat is a new tip to build a fit body

Perhaps you feel less fit, whereas you are so busy with work tasks or many targets of your business which has not been achieved. You really need a body which always fit, healthy, and ready to perform a variety of activities, both activities work, business, family events, and social activities. If you are bored with regular exercise, then you can do the exercise more challenging to support your life. Do you've never done yoga, karate, martial arts, and other sports training? Now you can try Bodycombat.  Bodycombat (hereinafter abbreviated as BC) is a fitness class that combines aerobics music and martial arts movement. Bodycombat first introduced by Les Mills International in 1999 ago in New Zealand. This powerful sport eventually evolves into other countries as fast as the speed with which you will feel when you practice Bodycombat. Movement in the body combat comes from a variety of martial arts such as boxing, karate, muay Thai, and taekwondo. Each movement of marti

Benefits and facts about egg

Do you often have breakfast in the morning with a cup of coffee with extra eggs and toast? Many people like eggs for breakfast or lunch, for example, combined with a steak or bacon. If you are on holiday in Bali , you can enjoy nasi goreng or special fried rice with egg, and two chicken skewers. Definitely a very delicious breakfast served in a villa or a hotel with a view of the beach or the terraced rice fields of Bali. Eggs are often called as Super food. In eggs there are a variety of essential nutrients from proteins, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and good fats. A single large egg contains only 70 to 80 calories, and 10 percent meet daily protein needs, as well as in it there is iron, minerals and B vitamins (riboflavin, folic acid, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6). However, the egg also has a bad reputation as a high-cholesterol food. So, do we need to limit egg consumption or avoid it altogether?  Accused yolk contains cholesterol, however, there are many other benefits

Benefits of Yoga for Mental and Physical Health

In recent years, yoga has become a way of life in the world, especially in cities such as in the United States, Britain, Bali, Australia, and of course in India. The high for the health benefits of yoga is one of the main factors increasing the number of people who likes to do yoga. Yoga class in Bali.  Image: Yoga has been practiced for over 5,000 years in India. Yoga has long been spread to many cities in the world. It turns out nearly 11 million Americans enjoy yoga because they become healthier.  The most popular yoga class is on learning physical poses, called Asanas. It also usually includes some form of breathing techniques and meditation. Some yoga classes are designed purely for relaxation. But there is a style of yoga that teaches you how to move your body in new ways. Choosing one of these styles offers the greatest health benefits so much by allowing you to develop your flexibility, strength, and balance. Beautiful Yoga movement in Bali


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